Due to their massive size and slow movement, blue whales were a desirable species to hunt for their blubber. Big, giant, massive, immense, enormous whale! Blue whales need to take in 1.5 million calories a day to meet their energy requirements. Adults do this by consuming about 40 million krill a day or 3499 kg (7715 lb). The gestation period is about 11 months, considered short for an animal the size of the blue whale. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These whales are fast strong swimmers with a cruising speed of 6.4-19.3 km/hr (4-12 mph). They feed about 100 meters under the water as this is where you will find large groups of krill. Due to its immense dietary needs, blue whales expand their throats in order to take in as much as 50 gallons of water. Some of the reasons why whales are at risk include human activity such as hunting, pollution, and climate change. to see which adds to their mystery and fascination. Another adaptation whales developed to protect themselves is related to size. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". controlling direction and being used for communicative and social So how did they do it? This really helped me with my school project. No bird, fish, mammal, reptile no dinosaur has ever been larger than an adult blue whale. A weekly blog discussing all information that I have found out about animals. Female whales decide their mate by size and the deeper the song, the larger and stronger the male seems to be. Humpback whales are the largest animals that can be found in the ocean. have teeth as we know them, but baleen plates or "whalebone". in them to our arms and hands. SOSUS is permanently mounted on the bottom of the northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Caribbean Sea. It is a behavior unique to these aquatic mammals. as do dolphins and killer whales. muscles during a sprint. They are able to accelerate to more than 20 miles per hour for short durations of time. Most often, Blue whales attract their mate through song. At times they also frequent coastal and near island areas. Humpbacks will feed in groups and sometimes they will form what is called a hump or belly. They often spend functions. Once the female finds its match the couple performs a courtship of diving, songs and other rituals. A behavioural adaptation of Blue Whales is that when they need to eat they migrate to areas where krill is abundant. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The Foundation is a leading voice for U.S. protected waters, working with communities to conserve and expand those special places for a healthy ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes. Details, Women's Social whales live in groups called pods and typically interact with each other constantly through communication calls and body language. This research indicates that blue whales are more flexible in their foraging and migratory behavior than previously realized.